China has various laws and regulations governing advertising and marketing practices for both local and foreign businesses. The Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China regulates advertising activities, applies to commercial advertising activities by commodity operators or service providers to introduce the commodities, promotes sound development of advertising business and protects the legitimate rights and interests of the parties involved in advertising activities. Advertisers, advertising agents, and advertisement publishers are required to abide by laws and regulations, be honest and trustworthy, and compete fairly. The law prohibits misleading and false advertising, the use of national symbols, and it regulates the advertising of tobacco products and requires that advertisers register with the State Administration of Industry and Commerce (SAIC) to conduct marketing activities in the country.
China has strict advertising laws and regulations for digital marketing Advertisers are required to follow the Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China, which prohibits misleading and false advertising, the use of national symbols, If advertising products online, advertisers must not interfere with the users' normal use of the internet, and the content should comply with the law and respect China's restriction on the themes of articles and videos. The Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) also regulates the collection and use of personal data in marketing activities. Advertisers are accountable for the veracity of online advertising, in accordance with the PRC Advertising Law and New Measures for Online Advertising. Online advertisers must clearly state the nature of a paid advertisement and display clear instructions on how the ad can be closed.