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Forbidden or sensitive prohibited advertising words in china digital marketing


There are certain words that are forbidden in digital marketing in China Advertisers must adhere to strict rules and regulations regarding advertising content and the use of certain types of language. Some of the prohibited words in China's digital marketing include vulgar language and rude online slang, superlatives like "the best" and "the most", and any content that may be deemed inappropriate or involve illegal behavior. Additionally, the use of certain animal-related words in marketing content is also restricted due to the country's concerns about illegal wildlife trafficking. It is important to be aware of these restrictions and follow them when conducting digital marketing activities in China.


Here are some additional examples of sensitive prohibited words or phrases in China's digital marketing:

1. Anything related to political or sensitive topics, such as discussion of Taiwan, Tibet, or the Tiananmen Square Massacre

2. Words or phrases promoting superstition or cult-like behaviors

3. Content that may harm social stability or national security

4. Any mention of illegal activities, such as gambling or drug use

5. Words or phrases promoting a negative image of China or the Chinese government

6. Words or phrases that may be deemed discriminatory or offensive towards any particular ethnicity, gender, or religion.


It is important to note that the exact restrictions and prohibitions may vary depending on the country's regulations and are subject to change over time. It is recommended to consult with a local professional or regulatory agency to ensure compliance with all relevant rules and regulations when conducting digital marketing activities in China.

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